Program 2010

From the program 2010

Informations: Andreas Drekis Tel. 0030 26910 72488 , 0030 6972263356

The orchestra from the german Friedberg-grammar school with 90 members at the Hellenikon Idyllion in June 2010

8th-22nd August 2010 and 7th-21st August 2011

Already 18 years at the Hellenikon Idyllion

Speak classical Greek and comprehend brilliant minds

In 2010 our guests were:

  • From May 22nd to may 27th 2010 the orchestra from the german grammar school Carolinum Ansbach and the wind-orchestra from the civic music school Ansbach, 55 musicians
  • From June 27th to July 2nd 2010 the german youth symphony orchestra from the Augustiner-school Friedberg, 95 musicians

The Friedberg-orchestra

11th -18th July: choir and orchestra with us (180 people)

The geman youth symphony orchestra, the choir and the orchestra from the Eberhard-Ludwigs-grammar school, Stuttgart (they were four times at the Hellenikon Idyllion) 180 musicians sang and played big choir opus, arias and Theodorakis-songs on July 16th at the village square waterfront in Selianitika and on July 17th at the big place at the sea in Derveni near Corinth.

Conductors: Andrea Amann, Gereon Müller, Dirk Siegel

Gereon Müller, Andrea Amann, Dirk Siegel: concert in Derveni